Our People

Areas of expertise
• Quantum metrology
• AC/DC transfer devices
• PhD Physics, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Professional activities
- Associate Investigator of the Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies
- Member of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) Technical Committees: TC21 – Mathematical Tools for Measurements, and TC25 – Quantum Measurement and Quantum Information
• V. Bubanja, M. Yamamoto and S. Iwabuchi, Nonequilibrium electron transport in a hybrid superconductor-normal metal entangler in a dissipative environment, Physical Review B 94 (2016) 184515.
• V. Bubanja, Quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping of electron spins in superconducting hybrid structures, Annals of physics 357 (2015) 40.
• V. Bubanja, Tunneling rates of electron pumping in the R-SINIS transistor, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 175 (2014) 564.
• V. Bubanja and S. Iwabuchi, Circuit influence on Cooper-pair current in solid-state entanglers, Physical Review B 84 (2011) 94501.
• V. Bubanja, Cotunneling suppression in a hybrid single-electron transistor by a dissipative electromagnetic environment, Physical Review B 83 (2011) 195312.
• J. H. Oh, D. Ahn and V. Bubanja, Transport theory of coupled quantum dots based on the auxiliary-operator method, Physical Review B 83 (2011) 205302.
• V. Bubanja and S. Iwabuchi, Conductance of the capacitively coupled single-electron transistor with a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid island in the Coulomb blockade regime, Physical Review B 79 (2009) 035312.
• V. Bubanja, Virtual electron diffusion through a quantum dot in the presence of electromagnetic fluctuations, Physical Review B 78 (2008) 155423.
• V. Bubanja, Magnetic-field calculation for a high-temperature superconducting cryogenic current comparator, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 57 (2007) 99.
• V. Bubanja and S. Iwabuchi, Calculation of the nondivergent cotunneling rates in a double tunnel junction embedded in a dissipative electromagnetic environment, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 76 (2007) 073601.